2018 Conference

Conference Schedule

Day/Meeting Location




May 15, 2018




Plaza Arbor

4:00 – 6:00



Plaza I

4:00 – 8:00

Corporate Partner Set up


Plaza I

5:00 – 5:30

Corporate Partner meeting


May 16, 2018




Plaza Arbor Main

7:00 – 8:45



Plaza Arbor

7:00 – 8:45



Plaza II & III

8:45 – 9:00

Presidents Welcome & Opening Remarks

Ruth Sharp, President

General Session

Plaza II & III

9:00 – 10:15

Key Note Speaker – Be a Leader that You Would Follow - Corey Ciocchetti is one of the University’s most popular and highest-rated professors. Corey joined DU after graduating with a law degree from Duke University School of Law, a Masters degree in Religious Studies and two Bachelors degrees in Finance and Economics—summa cum laude—from the University of Denver. Corey is a talented speaker and teacher and has won multiple teaching and speaking awards including the Outstanding Professor of the Year Award by the University of Denver Alumni Association and the Joel Goldman Award for most respected speaker on the CAMPUSPEAK roster. He currently teaches classes on business law and ethics in a department ranked by the Wall Street Journal and Business Week in the top ten nationwide for producing students with high ethical standards.

Corey also speaks to tens of thousands of individuals each year about “authentic success” and living an ethical life and is the author of the book Real Rabbits: Chasing An Authentic Life. He has spoken to diverse audiences, including the University of Hawaii Pediatrics Residency Program, undergraduates at MIT, the Federal Reserve Bank, the National Fire Leadership Academy, the Colorado State Patrol and the third graders of Mapleton School District in Adams County, Colorado (that one was tough). He has spoken in over 125 cities and 34 states over the past five years. A Colorado native, Corey resides in Westminster, Colorado with his wife, Jillian.

Corey Ciocchetti

Plaza I

10:15 – 10:30

Break with Corporate Partners



Plaza II & III

10:30 – 11:45

Bring it to the table! - What Are Your Cashiering Concerns? 


*Student Holds

*Refund Policy

*Report of Cash Payment Over $10,000

*Improper Handling Risk, Securing Cash and Protecting Customers, Counterfeit Currency

Marisa Martin (University of Washington), Denise Burt (Santa Clara University), Jared Church (UC-San Diego) and Robyn Bongartz (Wichita State University)


Plaza Arbor Main

11:45 – 1:00



General Session

Plaza II & III

1:00 – 2:15

Customer Service: Dealing with hostility and stress? - college stress is already tough to handle, then throw on the debt that may be owed and you sometimes end up with a ticking-time bomb. Universities Cashiering and Collection Offices are learning more  "High Touch" techniques, to help deflect students negative feedback and obtain collection results.  Learn the art of negotiation and add skills to your "toolbox" to help assist with aggressive student behavior and student anxiety. Understand how the negative feedback impacts them. This includes self-actualization, identify the warning signs, and avoiding burn out.

Learning Objectives:

*Learn methods for diffusing or managing aggressive or anxious customers
*Develop an understanding of the impact of customer feedback
*Understand how to refresh ones attitude after absorbing a day of negative input

Laura Price

Plaza I

2:15 – 2:45

Break with Corporate Partners


Concurrent Session

Patio Room

2:45 -3:45

Student Success - Means improving student graduation, first year retention, and the elimination of the so-called “opportunity gap” (the difference in graduation and retention rates between traditionally better served and underserved groups of students).  Dr. Adams will discuss the Student Success Program she helped design at CSUN.  Her team is committed to provide students the personal, academic and professional support and development to succeed at CSUN.  She will describe services, policies, activities and tools used to coordinate the effort.  Changing outcomes at a large institution like CSUN (40,000 students) takes partnerships and commitment from every division at the university and a willingness to collaborate across the traditional “silos” that isolate people and functions. 

Dr. Elizabeth Adams and May Ligh (CSUN)

Concurrent Session

Plaza II & III

2:45 -3:45

Find out the impact of the PROSPER Act, learn what the Senate HELP Committee is working on, and hear an important message from COHEAO on Perkins liquidation - Executive Director of COHEAO, Harrison Wadsworth III, joins us from Washington by webinar to provide us with these important updates


Harrison Wadsworth III, COHEAO



Plaza I

3:45 – 4:00

Transition Break


Concurrent Session

Plaza II & III

4:00 – 5:00

Perkins, What's Next? & Title IV Program Updates

Barbara Hoblitzell (Department of Education)


Concurrent Session

Patio Room

4:00 – 5:00

IT, Cyberspace Threats and  Protecting Critical Information - Ransomware, phishing, business email compromise- what do all these mean to you? How do you respond to a data breach?

Cyber security threats and attacks can cause considerable damage to the institution and to the individual.  Using real world examples of cyberthreats, You will learn how to recognize and identify common cybercrime activity targeted at obtaining your personal and institutional critical assets. George will also provide tips and advice on how to stay protected in an increasingly dangerous online world.

George Viegas (Chapman University)



Indulge Pool

5:00 – 6:00

"Hang Loose Beach Day" Wine Reception



Plaza Arbor Main

6:00 – 7:30

PacWest SFS Hosted Dinner


May 17, 2018




Plaza Arbor Main

7:00 -8:30



Plaza II & III

8:30 – 8:45

Opening Remarks


General Session

Plaza II & III

8:45 – 9:45

Motivation: Vision Workshop - There is a language to success, to creating results that you desire. Once one consciously understands what this language is, you can apply it to any area of your life that you want to improve. In my DreamBuilder program, there are 10 principals that will skyrocket your success. You will learn 3 of these principles that you can apply right now to help you create a life that you love.

Learning Objectives:

*Simple thinking-strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry.
*The number one factor that causes people to lose steam when going after a dream, and how to stay motivated and override it.
*Learn about the invisible pattern to success

Laura Price

Plaza I

9:45 – 10:30

Break with Corporate Partners


General Session

Plaza II & III

10:30 – 11:45

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in Education (DACA)

Janine DuMontelle (Chapman University), Oscar Teran (UC-Irvine)


Plaza Arbor Main

11:45 – 1:00



General Session

Plaza II & III

1:00 – 2:00

Updates from The Hill, including FCC, Cash Management changes, and 1098T updates

Barbara Hoblitzell (Department of Education)


Plaza I

2:00 – 2:15

Transition Break


Concurrent Session

Plaza II & III

2:15 – 3:15

International Collections and Payments - Trying to resolve and recover outstanding student accounts from international students presents a different set of challenges and techniques for college and university collectors. Finding the student, complying with different laws and regulations outside the United States, and receiving timely payment require special skill sets and knowledge. Learn how to retain those students who create the most challenges while reducing bad debt expense and maximizing tuition and loan collections.

Corporate Partner, Ray Kopitsch (Cedar Financial)


Concurrent Session

Patio Room

2:15 – 3:15

Preferred Names & Pronouns Project - This session will provide an overview of a campus-wide project that promotes inclusivity and diversity for all populations at a STEM-based university. Specifically, we will be discussing how this project began and the challenges and benefits in the process as it relates to our unique data environment, educating our community, and implementation politics. We will share our overall reflections on this project and offer some best practices in inclusive strategies for our more diverse populations found in higher education.

Hanna Song PhD and Taso Dimitriadis (Caltech)


Plaza I

3:15 – 4:00

Break with Corporate Partners


Concurrent Session

Plaza II & III

4:00 – 5:00

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:  A review of the proposed rulemaking, structure and impact to colleges and university across the country - The goal of this session is to provide insight to the CFPB and an update on recent happenings with a projected impact to the education sector and their partners.

Corporate Partner, Dominic Queirolo (ConServe)


Concurrent Session

Patio Room

4:00 – 5:00

"In and Out Payments - The World of Electronic Payments" - Universities and students benefit from electronic payments and disbursement of funds:  faster receipt of funds, less fraud and lost checks, more efficient automated processes resulting in better customer service.    A presentation of what two schools are doing to increase the volume of students that are adopting electronic methods of payments and receipt of funds.  

Marisa Martin (University of Washington) and Meg Deiss (San Jose State University)


Plaza Arbor Main

5:00 - 6:00

Wine Reception


Free Time


Dinner on your own to explore the Newport Beach area


May 18, 2018




Plaza Arbor Main

7:00 – 8:15



Plaza II & III

8:15 - 8:30

Announcements for those leaving early: Voting, Raffles, Check Out

Ruth Sharp (Caltech)

General Session

Plaza II & III


8:30 – 9:30

Legal Update - This session will include Debt collection, Write-offs, Statute of limitations and UDAPP

Chad Echols


Plaza I

9:30 – 10:00

Transition Break/Check Out


Plaza II & III

10:00 – 11:30

Open Forum: Ask an Attorney - Here is your chance to ask an attorney all of your collection related questions

Chad Echols

Plaza II & III

11:30 – 11:45

PacWest SFS Election Results Announcement

Ruth Sharp, President



Conference Concludes




Photo Gallery

Coachella Valley Clean Cities Coalition

Contact Us

PacWest SFS
18111 Nordhoff Street, Box # 8359
Northridge, CA 91330